Sunday, January 16, 2005

Warm snow?

It snowed last night. We got a couple inches. I sent out to melt the ice and the holes from yesterday were still open. I guess the snow kept things warmer.

Saturday, January 15, 2005


January is here. The ponds are frozen except for the floating pond de-icer. I melt holes in the little pond with a pot of boiling water every day. Yesterday Vurvian and I went to Boise. I was given a gift certificate for the Outback Restaurant plus we had a Deseret Book gift certificate to use. I spent my extra calories for the month, probably for 2 months.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Ice is thick

I have been melting a hole in the ice in the little pond. I tried today to melt a hole in the big pond. I put 3 pots of boiling water and still didn't get through. I lacked about 1/2 inch to go. Maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Wind and Snow

Friday it was very windy. I had to dodge tumbleweeds blowing over the freeway all the way from Boise back to Ontario. We had some snow but not much. It was a lot warmer today.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Snow Day

The snow remains on the ground. Fortunately the roads are clear. Temperatures remain below freezing. I had to use a pot of hot water to melt a hole in the small pond ice. I have a ice melter for the big pond.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy 2005

Well....We didn't really have a white Christmas but we did have a white New Year's Day. There was enough for about 10 minutes of sledding. Bret and Kristen went back to Rexburg today. Heidi and Shelly left last Sunday. Back to Normal?